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Ultimate 3D Carousel

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Flashback HD - Cover
© 2013 - Vectorcell


- Characters Setup
- 3D Motion capture
- 3D Animations

Télécharger sur Steam

20 years after the original game’s launch
, Conrad is enlisted back to active service for the triumphant return of one of the most acclaimed franchises in gaming history.

It’s not a reboot. It’s Flashback re-imagined. The original Core-Team revamped their own creation, leveraging the best of today’s technology while remaining true to the classic side-scroller that set the standards of the genre in the 90’s.


It's what says the intro on Steam.

For my part, i've animated the bodies and the facials parts on the gameplay of the game and all the characters using the "Motion capture" and the "keyframing".
i've done the establishement bases ot the Morpheme animation engine project for all the characters.

Flashback HD - Level

Flashback HD - Screen

Flashback HD - Conrad
Flashback HD - Cyborg

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