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Ultimate 3D Carousel

Amyfile En

A.M.Y. - Cover
© 2011 - Vectorcell


- Character setup
- Motion capture studio installation

- 3D motion capture
- 3D animations
- Physic
s setup

The city is infected ! Walking corpses sniff the air, flaring out anything still alive.
There is only one thing keeping you from running for your life. A special little girl holds your hand... You're not going anywhere without her.

AMY offers you a tense, innovative and immersive experience in survival horror gaming. Play two original characters who alone are desperately fragile, but united become a force capable of confronting the denizens of a living hell. Get ready to become infected.


On this game, i installed and run both Motion Capture systems (Vicon et Optitrack), i managed the animators and animated the characters bodies and facials.
I also worked on physical simulations on few elements of the game.


I learnt to install and to use the motion capture sets by myself, like a big one.

All of that on a minimalist surface to be harder.

But it was a great oppor-tunity !

A.M.Y. Motion Capture A.M.Y. Motion Capture A.M.Y. Motion Capture A.M.Y. Motion Capture
A.M.Y. - LANA Setup   A.M.Y. - LANA Face
A.M.Y. - SKREEBER Setup   A.M.Y. - AMY Setup

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